Music News

Festival „Perfect Silence“

From Thursday to Saturday (February 19–21), festival „Perfect Silence“ takes place in Tallinn. The key elements of the festival are polarization and synergy of music and silence. The festival connects different cultures, it is philosophical, yet surprising, searching and creative. It brings to Estonia creators, who as interpreters, composers and thinkers create distinctive worlds of words, images and sounds.

This year, festival presents three concerts in House of Blackheads. Opening concert on February 19 brings Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and Tallinna Chamber Orchestra in front of the audience. Jazz evening „Between Two Silences“ introduces duo Erki Pärnoja (guitar) – Peedu Kass (bass). On February 21, an evening of film and music „Tarkovski and Tarkovski“ offers music by Tarkovsky Quartet, commentary by Andrei Tarkovski junior, and photo and video material from the films of legendary filmmaker Andrei Tarkovski. Organiser of the festival is Tallinn Philharmonic Society, festival’s artistic director is composer Tõnu Kõrvits.

Look also:
Tallinn Philharmonic Society
House of Blackheads
