
USA premiere of Erkki-Sven Tüür’s Synergie

Today, on April 8 at 8 pm, violinist Mari-Liis Päkk (Estonia) and cellist Jason Calloway (USA) will perform Erkki-Sven Tüür’s Synergie first time in USA. Concert will take place in Miami Harold Golen Gallery within the series 12 Nights. Piece commissioned by violinist Renaud Capuçon and premiered with his brother Gautier Capuçon in 2010 will be performed today together with music by Iannis Xenakis, Matthias Pintscher, Toshio Hosokawa and Kyle Bartlett. Mari-Liis Päkk has graduated from Tallinn Music High School and continued her studies at universities in Texas and Philadelphia. Päkk and her husband Jason Calloway have performed in several venues in America and have premiered several works by contemporary composers.
