Music news

The second concert of the series “Treasury of Estonian Music”

The second concert of the series Treasury of Estonian Music presents Estonian choral music classics performed by Estonian National Male Choir.  Program entitled Dialectical Observations Concerning a Republic consists of works by Veljo Tormis, Artur and Villem Kapp, Aleksander Läte, Konstantin Türnpu and Aleksander Kunileid. Songs of fatherland, nature and life are written on texts of Estonian beloved poets like Lydia Koidula, Juhan Liiv, Gustav Suits, Paul-Eerik Rummo a.o. Choir will be conducte by Mikk Üleoja.

Estonian National Male Choir
Photo: Kaupo Kikkas

Concerts will take place on February 21 at 7 pm in Pärnu Concert Hall, February 22 at 6 pm in Jõhvi Concert Hall and February 24 at 3 pm in Tallinn St. John’s Church. Concerts are organised by State Concert Institute Eesti Kontsert.

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