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Results of the II choral song contest “I love You, Estonia”

On February 18, the final concert of the patriotic choral song contest “I love You, Estonia” took place in Estonia Concert Hall. The only I prize was given to Sirje Kaasik for the song “I want to become a president” in the children´s and boys´ choir category. In the same category, Riine Pajusaar´s “Song of Happiness” and “Sheep are lost” got the II prize, Alo Ritsing´s “Marching song” and Sirje Kaasik´s “Mother´s names” got the III prize.

In the mixed choir category “For the Estonians” by Urmas Sisask and “Star diamonds” by Tiina Kiilaspea shared the II prize. Sirje Kaasik´s “The Song of Songs” got the III prize.

In the male choir category Alo Ritsing earned the II prize for “My song” and the III prize for “Welcome” and “Yearning for home” together with Erki Meister´s “Felon”.

“The spring is ringing” by Alo Ritsing was the only female choir song that participated in the concert round and was awarded the III prize.

The jury consisted of composer Veljo Tormis and conductors Elo Forsel, Andrus Siimon, Vaike Uibopuu and Indrek Vijard.

Contest songs were performed by Kalev Chamber Choir (conductor Erki Meister), mixed choir Noorus (conductor Raul Talmar), Tartu Academic Male Choir (conductor Alo Ritsing), Tallinn University Male Choir (conductor Jüri Rent and Indrek Vijard), Engineers Male Choir (conductor Ants Üleoja), female choir Carmina (conductor Margit Võsa), Revalia boys´ choir (conductor Alla Eenma and Janne Fridolin) and Ellerhein toddlers´ choir (conductor Mallika Veeperv).

The contest for patriotic choral songs is organised by Estonian Choral Association and Culture Society Hirvepark. 67 songs were sent to the competition, 16 songs were selected to the final concert. 

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