Music news

Presentation concert of Konstantin Türnpu’s CD

On September 25 at 6 pm, Konstantin Türnpu’s CD “Morning of Freedom. Songs for mixed and male choir by Konstantin Türnpu” will be presented in Tallinn Blackheads’ Brotherhood House. From among the works of Estonian choral music classic, whose 145th birth anniversary was in August, 17 well-known songs have recorded on CD. Songs are performed by Tallinn Chamber Choir (conductor Aivar Leštšinski), Engineers Male Choir (conductor Ants Üleoja), Academic Male Choir of Tallinn Technical University (conductor Peeter Perens), Chamber Choir of Tallinn Technical University (conductor Peeter Perens) and Estonian National Male Choir (conductor Ants Soots). CD was released by Estonian Choral Association in cooperation with Estonian National Broadcasting.

At the presentation concert of new CD, there will sing Estonian National Male Choir, Engineers Male Choir and Academic Male Choir of Tallinn Technical University. Concert will also feature soloist Kristel Pärtna, Merike Käver (piano) and docent Tiia Järg from Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The entrance is free.

Mariliis Valkonen


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