Tallinn Music High School will also present its brand new CD release „… kuidas noored muusikud avastasid uut eesti muusikat“ ["...How Young Musicians Discovered New Estonian Music“] at the concert. This CD contains seven compositions by Estonian composeres especially composed for young soloists from Tallinn Music High School during 2008–2013:
Tauno Aints’s Concertino for Piano, Violin and Orchestra (2008), Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes’s White Hollow (2009) for 2 flutes and orchestra, Galina Grigorjeva’s Capriccio (2011) for violin and string orchestra, Mari Vihmand’s Parallels (2012) for piano and orchestra, Mart Siimer’s The Ringing Sherd (2011) for violin and chamber orchestra, René Eespere’s Concerto for Trumpet and Chamber Orchestra (2008) and Age Veeroos’s Wind (2008) for oboe and string orchestra.
In addition to the works by Estonian composers presented on CD, the program will also consist of music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Christian Bach, Joseph Haydn, Oskar Rieding, Václav Trojan and Antonio Vivaldi.