Music News

Anniversary concerts of the Estonian Republic in Hague, Brussels, Kiev and Oslo

On February 25, concert reception dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Estonian Republic took place in the Hague City Hall with Girls’ Choir Ellerhein and early music consort Hortus Musicus performing. Together they will give a concert also in Flagey Concert Hall in Brussels on Febuary 26. On February 27, Ellerhein will perform at the opening of the exhibition „The Story of the Republic” in the rooms of the European Parliament in Brussels. On February 28, Hortus Musicus will perform in public concert reception in Luxenbourg Philharmonics.

In Kiev, the jubilee of the Estonian Republic is celebrated with the concerts of the Estonian National Opera Boys’ Choir on February 25 and 26 in Kiev House of Organ and Chamber Music and Kiev Philharmonics Hall.

The Embassy of the Estonian Republic in Oslo will celebrate the jubilee with concerts of Arsis Handbell Ensemble. On February 27, concert with invitations will take place in Oslo Concert House. Additional concert will be given at the same place on February 28. On February 22, Arsis celebrated the anniversary of the Estonian Republic also in Vilnius with the concert in the Lithuanian Museum of Applied Art.

The 90th anniversary of the Estonian Republic is celebrated in 37 countries.

Mariliis Valkonen 
