Music News

Ensemble Vox Clamantis’ concerts in France


Ensemble Vox Clamantis performs with two different programs in France. First concerts with ensemble Weekend Guitar Trio are on April 7 at 8.30 pm in Collège des Bernardins in Paris and April 8 at 8.30 in Notre Dame de Toutes Joies Church in Nantes. The program is based on music from their cooperational CD Stella matutina which includes Gregorian chant and early polyphony by Vox Clamantis and guitar improvisations by Weekend Guitar Trio).

Next concerts will be held on April 10 at 8.30 pm in Sainte-Catherine Church in Lille and April 11 at 7 pm in St. Pia Church in Roncq, where Vox Clamantis will perform a different program titled „Da pacem“, which consists of Gregorian chant, early polyphony and music by Arvo Pärt.

Aveli Kadastik
