Chamber Choir Collegium Musicale was recognised the Choir of the Year 2014 for the Estonian and Japanese premiere of Erkki-Sven Tüür’s Missa Brevis, releasing the CD of Veljo Tormis’s Forgotten People, and outstanding concert activity. Title Conductor of the Year was ascribed to Mikk Üleoja – chief conductor of the Estonian National Male Choir, chief conductor of male choirs at the XXVI general song celebration. Choral Album of the year is CD „Liiv, meri ning mõtted“ where Pärt Uusberg’s music is sung by Male Chamber Choir JÕUD. The Choral Composer of the Year 2014 is Tõnu Kõrvits.
The laureates of the Annual Prizes of the Estonian Choral Association are:
Choir of the Year 2014 – Chamber Choir Collegium Musicale (conductors Endrik Üksvärav and Miina Pärn)
Wind Orchestra of the Year 2014 – Estonian Youth Concert Orchestra (conductors Aavo Ots, Priit Sonn, Jaan Ots, Kaido Kivi)
Conductor of the Year 2014 – Mikk Üleoja
Conductor-Music Teacher of the Year 2014 – Elo Üleoja
Young Conductor of the Year 2014 – Valter Soosalu
Orchestra Conductor of the Year 2014 – Hando Põldmäe
Supporter of the Year 2014 – city of Tartu
Organiser of the Year 2014 – organisers of the journey of the song celebration fire and Katrin Puur
Deed of the Year 2014 – new house of Heino Eller Tartu Music School
Great Deed of the Year 2014 – song and dance celebration „Touched by Time. The Time to Touch”.
Cooperation Prize of the Year 2014 – All-Estonian Youth Symphony Orchestra and Jüri-Ruut Kangur
Choir Composer of the Year 2014 – Tõnu Kõrvits
Choir Album of the Year 2014 – „Liiv, meri ning mõtted“, Male Chamber Choir JÕUD