Music News

Ensemble Resonabilis performs Estonian music in Denmark and Germany

Ensemble Resonabilis
Photo: Mait Jüriado

In the beginning of next week, ensemble Resonabilis will give concerts in Copenhagen and Usedom island in Germany. Concerts present notably imposing program of Estonian latest music: Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes’s Tightrobe Walker, Tõnu Kõrvits’s Five Haikus on Maria Lee’s Words (2013, premiere), Toivo Tulev’s Why? (text Pir-o-Murshid Harzat Inayat „Ragas”, „Bismillah”), Jüri Reinvere’s The Empire of May (text Jüri Reinvere), Kristjan Kõrver’s parts 11 and 12 from chamber opera Steel Ants and Helena Tulve’s North Wind, South Wind (text Song of Songs, Rūmī).

Concerts will take place on October 7 at 5 pm in Copenhagen Frihavnskirken (program: Kozlova, Kõrvits, Kõrver, Tulve) and October 8 at 7.30 pm in Germany at Usedom Music Festival in Seebad Bansin Haus des Gastes (full program).

Ensemble Resonabilis: Iris Oja (voice), Kristi Mühling (kannel), Tarmo Johannes (flute) and Aare Tammesalu (cello). In recent years, Resonabilis has been one of the Estonian chamber collectives that have commissioned and performed new music the most – majority of the Estonian valued contemporary composers have written to this ensemble. In 2012, Resonabilis was awarded the Annual Award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment for the copious concert activity and high-level performances of Estonian new music. Over the years, Resonabilis has introduced its sound worlds and Estonian music in addition to Estonia also in Finland, Latvia, Russia, Sweden, Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria and Iran.

Look also:
Theatre of Voices
Usedom Music Festival
