
Festive week for pianists in Heino Eller Tartu Music School

From November 3 to 7, the festive week for pianists will take place in Heino Eller Tartu Music School which offers memorial evening, master courses and concerts.

Festive week for pianists started on November 3 at 6 pm, with memorial evening dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the peadgogue and former Eller school headmaster Aleksandra Semm-Sarv. She was reminded by her colleagues and students, music was performed by Eller school students and teachers. From November 3 to 4, the master course by Riitta Kotinurmi (Finland) will introduce the Suzuki method of teaching piano. From November 5 to 8, Professor Arbo Valdma at the Music University in Cologne will give lectures and master courses. On November 6 at 5 pm, young pianists from Eller school and music schools of Tartu county will perform at concert entitled as Friend of Piano. The festive week will end with concert on November 7 at 5 pm, where participants of Valdma’s master course will perform.

Agnes Toomla 
