Calendar of Music Events

Estonian Music Days

Location: National Library of Estonia, Small Conference Hall
Time: 17:00

The Exhibition Opening of Heini Vaikmaa and Tanel Roovik’s Electronic Instruments

The first synthesizers produced outside of the Soviet Union arrived in Estonia in the early 1980s. Before that, musicians built their own experimental instruments in order to add new, exciting sounds to their productions. The exlosion in the music industry and technological development, however, made it possible to create even more novel sounds and hence the demand for the latest synthesizer models grew rapidly. As musicians purchased new instruments, they usually also sold their old ones. Some people, however, were able to keep their old synthesizers while acquiring new models, which over the years resulted in a remarkable, rare collection of synthesizers.

The exhibition showcases and offers a chance to play the instruments from Heini Vaikmaa and Tanel Roovik’s rare collections of synthesizers.

Free entry

Look also: Estonian Music Days
